The Alabasters & their refills
A range with white luminescent attributes. The delicate alabaster not only replaces the traditional green-glass but creates a sculptural object complete with a matching top.
Shopping Options
The AlabastersCoriander and Pink Peppercorn
Starting from $139.00Héméra
The AlabastersCoriander and Pink Peppercorn
Abd El Kader
Moroccan mint Tea
The AlabastersStarting from $139.00Abd El Kader
The AlabastersMoroccan mint TeaErnesto
The AlabastersLeather and Tobacco
Starting from $139.00Ernesto
The AlabastersLeather and Tobacco
The Alabasters
Héméra RefillCoriander and Pink Peppercorn
$139.00The Alabasters
Héméra RefillCoriander and Pink Peppercorn
The Alabasters
Abd El Kader RefillMoroccan mint Tea
$139.00The Alabasters
Abd El Kader RefillMoroccan mint Tea
The Alabasters
Ernesto RefillLeather and Tobacco
$139.00The Alabasters
Ernesto RefillLeather and Tobacco