In close partnership with local institutions, Trudon is committed to preserve the Perche (Normandy) biodiversity.
Our commitment
Located in Mortagne-au-Perche (Normandy) since 1901, Trudon is part of the Perche regional Nature Park. The Nature Park’s mission is to protect the environment, through actions that help preserve its biodiversity, raise awareness of and devotion to the local patrimony.

European dark bee
With its roots in the territory, Maison Trudon’s participation in a project to protect local endangered species makes perfect sense. In 2018 the company already committed financially to the Nature Park in a measure to preserve the region’s biodiversity. In partnership with the local Orne Dark Bee Conservatory, Maison Trudon helps protect the European dark bee, an endemic species and an essential link in the region’s biodiversity chain, but threatened by intensive agriculture and industrial beekeeping practices. The partnership comes as the perfect illustration of Cire Trudon’s moto since 1643: “Deo regique laborant,” or “They (the bees) work for God and the King.”

Manor of Courboyer
Located by the magnificent Manor of Courboyer, a crown jewel of the Perche county’s 15th-century architectural heritage, the Park’s main grounds house the heart of the conservancy program with 12 beehives.

The Conservatory
The Orne Dark Bee Conservatory is a key player in the Nature Park. Its main goal is to monitor the genetic pool of the local dark bee populations, in conditions that resemble as closely as possible life in the wild. This commitment seeks to guarantee the bee’s presence as a vital pollinator and the gradual reintroduction of this hardy species. Maison Trudon is joining forces with the Orne Dark Bee Conservatory, because it feels as strongly as the conservatory about the values of conservation and good beekeeping practices as they relate to the life habits of the dark bee.

Maison Trudon is committed to this project: it participates directly and financially in the establishment of conservancy actions. In addition, 4 percent of all sales of the Maison’s Cire candle will go toward the project.